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Occupational Therapy in Columbus, GA

Woman Receiving Occupational TherapyOccupational therapy in Columbus, Georgia can benefit anyone who has an illness, injury, or disability. These conditions can make even the simplest tasks extremely difficult.

Through this form of therapy, you can gain strength and confidence, knowing that you have the ability to tackle these challenges.

What Is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy in Columbus, Georgia begins with an evaluation.

The occupational therapist will appraise your strengths and abilities and see where you need assistance. Once the assessment is complete, the therapist will draft a custom treatment plan. You’re a unique person with unique needs, and we take that very seriously.

Once your treatment plan has been created, we can get started with your therapy. We have helped a variety of individuals in the following ways:

  • Teaching stroke victims or those with conditions like cerebral palsy how to care for themselves (getting dressed, for example).
  • Helping those with permanent conditions learn how to use aides, such as walkers, leg braces, wheel chairs, etc.
  • Demonstrating exercises that can strengthen the patient and give them better balance, mobility, and independence.
  • Teaching family members, employers, and/or caretakers how to accommodate the needs of the patient.
  • Evaluating the patient’s home to ensure that it’s safe and making recommendations that will help the patient thrive in their environment.

Who Benefits from Occupational Therapy in Columbus, Georgia?

At West Georgia Ortho and PT, we’ve helped people of all ages with our occupational therapy services.

Our Columbus, Georgia patients include:

  • Adults with permanent disabilities
  • People who have experienced a serious injury or illness, such as stroke victims.

Our goal is to help patients gain strength and improve their health. With occupational therapy, patients experience greater independence, and are confident knowing that they can navigate successfully through their life despite limitations.

Do you or a loved one need the assistance of an occupational therapist? Contact us today at (706) 507-3800 to schedule a consultation to determine what sort of treatment is best for your needs.