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Reverse the Hands of Time with Dermal Fillers and Botox/Xeomin

Written By West Georgia Ortho and PT on February 18, 2021

Dermal Filler and botoxAs you grow older, it’s only natural for your body to start producing less collagen. When your body undergoes this change, your skin loses its elasticity—in a very visible way. The good news is, even if you’re starting to notice sagging skin and other signs of aging, you have several minimally invasive cosmetic options that can help your skin regain elasticity. Some of the most popular options available are dermal fillers and Botox/Xeonim.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers involve the injection of certain fillers into your skin—such as hyaluronic acid—with the intent of giving your complexion a more youthful appearance. 

Dermal fillers work so well because hyaluronic acid pushes your skin to produce more collagen alongside increasing moisture and hydration as well. These fillers can be used to plump out sagging cheekbones, jawlines, and even lips.

How Long Does the Dermal Filler Procedure Take?

It generally takes your medical practitioner less than an hour to administer your dermal injections. Depending on your specific skin type, and the type of dermal filler you use, the positive effects may last half a year and up to eighteen months.

What are Botox and Xeomin?

If you’re not into dermal fillers, you may want to try Botox/Xeomin to rejuvenate your skin. Botox works by using the FDA-approved protein botulinum toxin. This protein works by restricting movement in specific muscles on your face, so your skin appears tighter and more full. 

This cosmetic procedure is often used to treat:

  • Wrinkles on your face and forehead
  • Lipstick lines
  • Flat eyebrows
  • Laugh lines
  • Dimpled chin

You will begin to see results right after the treatment and your skin will continue to improve for the next two weeks.

What is the Difference Between Botox/ Xeomin?

Both Botox and Xeomin contain botulinum toxin type A and they both work to stop muscle movements at the injection site. However, the main difference between the two is that Botox contains protein additives, whereas Xeomin does not. This lack of additives may be better for your body as it may decrease the chances of antibody resistance developing over time.

Try a Minimally Invasive Skin Treatment to Reverse the Signs of Aging Today

Our team of medical specialists at West Georgia Regenerative Medicine helps you reach your skin goals by administering the skin treatment that’s best for you. All bodies are different, and we ensure to give you a customized assessment and treatment so you get the results you’re looking for.

Contact us today to learn more about our dermal filler and Botox procedures.

Posted In: Botox Fillers Dermal Fillers