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Orthobiologics (containing Stem Cells) and PRP Knee Pain Treatment – Why You Should Try Them

Written By West Georgia Ortho and PT on May 22, 2019

Person Receiving Knee Pain TreatmentHave you been told you might need knee surgery in the future?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a less invasive way to treat your knee pain? There is!

A combination of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma, also known as regenerative medicine, is proving to be a safe, effective knee pain treatment in Columbus, Georgia. Read on to find out why you should consider giving them a try.

Knee Pain Treatment in Columbus, Georgia: How Does Orthobiologics (containing Stem Cells) and PRP Treatments Work?

Regenerative medicine is just that – a way to regenerate damaged tissue. Here’s how they work.

Orthobiologics (containing Stem Cells)

Stem cells form other cells, either in the body or in a laboratory. These cells have specialized functions, meaning that they form into bone cells, blood cells, muscle cells, brain cells, etc.

The stem cells can replicate healthy cells and promote the restoration of damaged tissues in the body, including those within the knee.

PRP Treatment

Platelet-rich plasma, from your own blood, contains growth factors that stimulate the body to repair damaged tissue. These cells are activated and then injected into the damaged area – in this case, your knee. The cells then go to work, healing the tissue and regenerating it.

Multiple studies have shown that patients who have experience this form of treatment notice a significant improvement in their pain levels.

Regenerative Medicine Can Reduce Your Need for Restorative Surgery

Regenerative medicine is gaining popularity as an effective knee pain treatment – and for good reason.

Whether your pain is caused by osteoarthritis, strained muscles, tears, or other injuries, this type of treatment is proving effective. 

This form of treatment is minimally invasive and can reduce your need for surgical procedures. If you’re suffering from chronic and/or debilitating knee pain, consider regenerative medicine as an alternative to surgery.

Is your knee pain getting so bad that it’s interfering with normal, daily activities? Get help today by calling us at (706) 507-3800 to schedule a consultation. We can help you finally find some relief!

Posted In: Regenerative Medicine Orthobiologics (containing Stem Cells) PRP Treatment Knee Pain Treatment